Research & Projects


All Projects

Project TitleContact PersonEmailProject StatusProject Brief
I-75 Florida's Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME)Pete VegaPeter.Vega@dot.state.fl.usCompleted
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety DemonstrationFred HeeryFred.Heery@dot.state.fl.usActive
Gainesville SPaT TrapeziumRaj PonnaluriRaj.Ponnaluri@dot.state.fl.usCompleted
Evaluation of the Gainesville Trapezium Connected Vehicle Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Deployment ProjectDr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduCompleted[view]
Data Management and AnalyticsDr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduCompleted
Gainesville Autonomous Shuttle EvaluationDr. Pruthvi Manjunathapruthvim@ufl.eduCompleted
Traffic Signal Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic StreamDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduCompleted
Development and Testing of Optimized Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Trajectories at Signalized IntersectionsDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduCompleted
Extended Development and Testing of Optimized Signal Control with Autonomous and Connected VehiclesDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduCompleted
Transportation Mobility Assessment and Recommendations for Smart City PlanningDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduCompleted
Before and After Study of Gainesville Pedestrian-Bicyclists Connected Vehicle PilotDr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Testbed Initiative - Transit Components - Bus Bike Rack SystemsDr. Yong-Kyu Yoonykyoon@ece.ufl.eduCompleted
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for TransitDr. Nithin Agarwalnithin.agarwal@ufl.eduCompleted
Evaluation of Intelligent School Zone Beacon and Vehicle-Cyclist Detection and Warning SystemDr. Eakta Jainejain@cise.ufl.eduCompleted
Micromobility & Transit SERMOS LabDr. Xilei Zhaoxilei.zhao@essie.ufl.eduVarious Active Projects
Demonstration Study, Phase 1 – Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology (Phase 1, STRIDE Project D2)Dr. Sherrilene Classensclassen@phhp.ufl.eduCompleted
Demonstration Study, Phase 2: Developing a Model to Support Transportation System Decisions considering the Experiences of Drivers of all Age Groups with Autonomous Vehicle Technology (Phase II STRIDE Project A3)Dr. Sherrilene Classensclassen@phhp.ufl.eduCompleted
Develop, Refine, and Validate a Survey to Assess Adult’s Perspectives of Autonomous Ride-Sharing Services for Human Factors and Traffic Operational ObservationsDr. Sherrilene Classensclassen@phhp.ufl.eduCompleted
STRIDE: Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle and Communication Technologies though Traffic Microsimulation (Phase I, STRIDE Project D)Dr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduCompleted
STRIDE: Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle and Communication Technologies though Traffic Microsimulation (Phase II, STRIDE Project I5)Dr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Florida ATMA Pilot Demonstration and EvaluationDr. Nithin Agarwalnithin.agarwal@ufl.eduCompleted
I-STREET (TM) Support Project Dr. Lily Elefteriadouelefter@ce.ufl.eduActive
Evaluation of CARMA for I-STREET (TM) ImplementationDr. Pruthvi Manjunathapruthvim@ufl.eduCompleted[view]
Evaluation of I-4 FRAME NetworkDr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduActive -
Phase 1 completed
RADISH Project Dr. Sanjay Rankaranka@cise.ufl.eduActive

I-STREETTM Project Map

The map and legend below indicate the various I-STREETTM projects undertaken at the UFTI

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